Outreach Overview
Berean Community Church seeks to be the hands and feet of Jesus locally and globally, in obedience to the call of all Christ followers to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). We want those who do not personally know Jesus Christ to hear the good news of the Gospel and receive life in Christ through faith. We also want to encourage and support individuals in obeying Christ's command in Matthew 28:19-20.
Locally, we seek the good of our community, including the neighborhood immediately around our church building, the neighbors of all those who call Berean home and the broader Rochester and Southeast Minnesota areas. Click on Our Community to learn more about local outreach activities.
Globally, we partner with several individuals and organizations that are bringing the Gospel to those who haven’t heard. Through these partners we have extended our reach to be a blessing to the “least of these” … orphans, disadvantaged women, refugees, those living in poverty, unreached people groups and more. Click on Our Nation and the World to learn more. We also engage in God’s global mission by participating in local and international short-term missions trips.
Missions is not just a specialty ministry or side job of the church. It is central to who we are as disciples and message-bearers. Each and every one of us has a role to play in making Him known among the nations.
To learn more contact Missions Director Kathy Kuhlmann.
If you are interested in applying for support from Berean, please read the application cover letter linked below, download and fill out the appropriate application and then return to John Downer.
BCC Support Application Cover Letter
BCC Application for Individual Missions Support
BCC Application for Organizational Missions Support